Welcome to my Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) Showcase page! On this page, I have curated a sample of my coursework to showcase my growth and learning in the categories of Research, Assessment, and Leadership. While this learning experience has allowed me to grow in many other aspects of being an educator, these are the areas that I feel that have had the most explosive and meaningful growth. Please take your time while exploring these pages, this is the heart and soul of my portfolio. Please click on the title of each item in the showcase to view that particular artifact.

Throughout my master's program, I have engaged in many different research projects that have deepened my knowledge and skills of how to conduct both qualitative and quantitative research. Explore some of those research projects here!

A focus of my coursework has been on how to build effective assessments. Check out my artifacts related to assessment here.

Leadership was an essential portion of my coursework on my journey earning my graduate degree. Here you will find artifacts that show my growth in this area.