As an online teacher, I hear a plethora of different perspectives about online learning. The perspective I care about most, is the student’s. How do students perceive online learning? Through studying these perceptions, we can gain insight into what factors are important to student learning which can in turn inform pedagogy in the online environment. I dove into the scholarly research and wrote about my findings as well as gave a presentation about it to my colleagues. This artifact showcases my ability to find and use scholarly research and present my findings in multiple ways.

Educators encounter problems of practice on a daily basis and are constantly trying to solve those problems, whether they are big or small. When practicing design thinking to solve a problem, empathy is the first step that is sometimes overlooked. This short blog and survey results show that I can effectively use qualitative methods of research to build empathy and redefine a problem of practice that I had. I thought I knew what my problem was, but after gathering information from my students, I realized that my problem needed to be redefined so that I could come up with a solution that would actually get to the heart of the problem.

Using Piaget’s ideas on how children evolve cognitive function, I conducted a research experiment with a partner to see if we could replicate his findings. This slideshow conveys the results of our research project. This project shows my ability to understand complex cognitive theories, use those theories to make and conduct my own experiment, and present my findings in an easily digestible way. Albeit being a simple experiment, I have demonstrated the ability to be able to conduct research based on previous research.