Same description as MAET showcase

Brene Brown’s book "Dare to Lead" contains a treasure trove of information about how to be a vulnerable & courageous leader. After reading the book, I have connected her ideas to the education world and their implications for aspiring teacher-leaders in a short video made with Animoto. Being a leader is not only about leading others. You first have to be able to lead yourself and become an example for others to follow. I am (slowly) working hard on my vulnerability skills so that I can lead a daring classroom full of creativity and innovation.

Collaboration between teachers can be a powerful learning experience for all involved. Oftentimes, another perspective can give life to new ideas that one person alone couldn’t have come up with on their own. This artifact is a reflection piece on an opportunity I had to mentor another MAET student on building a lesson plan that integrates technology. I was able to show my ability to collaborate with others and share my knowledge of how to incorporate technology into a lesson that isn’t my own.